Just a momentcreated by Thanasis Beroutsos

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Alpaca wire


49cm (width)
29cm (height)
19cm (depth)


The importance of the binary system in the digital world of computing lies in the fact that it describes systems that have only two states: open - closed, true - false, male - female, 0-1. It looks like a fight between groups, a struggle without real winner, as the question true or false, is timeless, and lingering in all societies, often changing roles and redefining situations.

In recent years, involvement with computers, made people discover a world behind the screens, game consoles and even their mobile phones. A world created by the flow of electrons in transistors in microprocessors and fiber optic cables and copper. So translating the information into materials, human thoughts led people to create three-dimensional images in space, i.e. behind the sculpture.

Thus, within a variety of trips to monitors, human figures are converted to copper grids, endless dimensional emanations outside their natural environment.


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